
admin 2018-07-28 03:13:10 导读

导读 : 7月25日,备受全球瞩目的Leaders(领袖)体育商业峰会再次来到中国北京,于新浪总部大厦盛大召开,来自世界各地的近250位体育产业领袖共同探讨体育产业投资环境...


7月25日,备受全球瞩目的Leaders(领袖)体育商业峰会再次来到中国北京,于新浪总部大厦盛大召开,来自世界各地的近250位体育产业领袖共同探讨体育产业投资环境,展望未来体育消费趋势。作为新浪网高级副总裁、新浪体育总经理的魏江雷,就中国体育产业的快速成长,以及新浪体育成功转型为体育产业公司,集内容发布、社交媒体资源、自主IP赛事于一身 ,成为行业的中坚力量,发出了以下寄语。

Ladies and gentlemen,

welcome to Leaders Sports Summit and welcome back to Sina’s headquarter for a second year.

For those who had experienced the event, discussion and debates last year would agree with me that China’s sports industry had evolved and grew fast in the past few years.

The release of the government article No.46 in Oct. 2014 announced the China sports industry’s reform. With the ambitious plan by the government, Sports had become a major growth industry and aimed to achieve 5%GDP or 5 trillion RMB by 2025.

In the past 12 months, the market had witnessed not only the fluctuations of high IP prices such as EPL, FIFA World Cup; lowered price of CSL and other local competitions, but also the growth of mass participation sporting events.

Sina has transformed from a sports media into a major sports industry player since 2015. Our flagship self-operated competition, the Sina 3x3 Golden League basketball tournament, is FIBA-endorsed and is the largest 3x3 tournament in the world. We have appointed Mediapro, one of the largest sports agencies in the world, to be the global agency for the 3x3 Golden League to help its international expansion.This year Sina 3x3 basketball games entertained 62 thousand basketball players in 30 provinces and 80 cities in China. And both HK and Manila competitions are on the way. In November, we will host the Sina 3x3 Elite League, a top-level international invitation tournament featuring some of the best 3x3 teams in the world. We will have teams from the United States, Serbia, Japan, Korea, Russia and other top leagues participating in the tournament.

Sina 5x5 soccer tournament popularized 46 cities and celebrated with over 40 thousand soccer players. With the success of Sina Mind Sports Games,Sina youth Equestrian sport games and Sina Fitness Event, Sina Sports operated sporting events attracting over 120 thousand athletes to participate and compete.

Our investment strategy on Sina branded sport leagues is simple: To be No.1 or nothing, in 3 years!

The Sina Sports media coverage platform has 45 million mobile users, and 20 million PC users. In addition, we are the largest content creator on Weibo with our 70 self-operated Weibo accounts generating over 100 million views daily among 75 million followers. Weibo’s 411 million monthly active users provide Sina Sports massive growth opportunities in the social media space.

As one of the instrumental players in China sport industry, Sina sports welcome all stake holders to come to China, corporate with China’s sports firms and institutions, invest in China both in tangible and intangible measures, and harvest success from China.

Our vision is to have more Chinese, esp youth to participate in sports. Sports for good!

Thank you again to your attendance at the Leaders forum, and wish you a pleasant and productive day here in Beijing!














