All financial products traded on margin carry a high degree of risk to your capital. They are not suited to all investors and you can lose more than your initial deposit. Please ensure that you fully understand the risks involved, and seek independent advice if necessary.
所有使用保证金交易的金融产品都具有高风险。它们并非适合所有投资者,您的损失可能超过您的初始投资金额。请确认您完全了解相关风险,如有需要,请寻求专业意见。 风险警告全文
GKFX Financial Services Ltd , Bevis Marks House, 24 Bevis Marks, London, EC3A 7JB.
Tel:+44(0)20 7186 1212, Fax:+44(0)20 7816 1251, Registration Number:6837942.
Authorised and regulated by the Financial Services Authority. FSA registration number 501320.
2016 GKFX 捷凯金融